Sauce Robot
I like to think I’m a pretty good cook, but I’m also very aware of all of my culinary shortcomings. I’m prone to overcooking meat, I like to overseason and I suck at sauces. Sucking at sauces is a real...
View ArticleA POEM
I spent an hour of my day writing a poem about sunset on Tatooine. I have a job? I don't know.The twin lights saglow in the atmosphere,first one, then the next.The dull one moansand slinks under the...
Late last year I decided I should probably abandon and/or delete this blog. It felt like it had run its course. I was an adult, and I had finished my master's degree, and I needed to get serious. I see...
View Article10 Things I Learned Watching All of Seinfeld
1. Jerry never goes to Elaine’s apartment in the whole entire series. George goes once or twice to get something he wants from her, but Jerry doesn’t ever go. Do you have friends like this? It’s...
View ArticleA Thing I Liked
It was a glamorous spring day. The gold star in Mrs. Allen's window gleamed in the light. The apple trees in the Hancock's yard had burst into bloom. Elsie Carter came riding down the boulevard...
View ArticleI Went to Europe for 2 Weeks Last September: A Practical Guide w/ Instagrams
Locations: Geneva and Montreux in Switzerland, Chamonix and Avingnon in France, with some day trips to places like Gruyères, Marseille and Nîmes. Fuck Ups: Had some issues with my legal married name (a...
View ArticleSmellfie
This is the best thing I've done with a camera phone in the 10 years that I've had one and honestly I can't believe I didn't do it sooner.
View ArticleThings I Like RN (Mostly Foods)
I got to binge on a bunch of Steven Universe on a plane and have been obsessed ever since. The show is about a little boy with latent magical powers and three alien ladies who keep watch over him,...
View ArticleWhat Baseball Team Should I Like?
Watching people get super revved up over sports is really hard. They get so invested in games and rules and players, they get tense and emotional and have physical, uninhibited reactions, and I'm...
View ArticleComing Out
It's opening day (mostly) and I'm ready to announce my 2015 Baseball Gang!We did it everyone! We did it. And it was not easy. I want to thank all of my friends for their support during this time. You...
View ArticleA Dang Poem
Wings by Stephen BergIn the modest plot I see themkneeling to pick tomatoes, yanking weeds,squatting between rows of broccoli, squash, beans,Bill’s pulled-back pony tail, Cathy’s fine ass,two sheds...
View ArticleBest Non-Considered UND Mascot Suggestions
The University of North Dakota is currently in the process of retiring and forgetting their old, racist ass nickname. In some bizarre act probably meant to loosely disguise the fact that they already...
Last week my old friend Catherine sent me a letter I wrote to her after having moved to North Dakota. I mostly grew up in Florida, but a month after I turned 16, in the middle of my sophomore year of...
View ArticleA History of Fake Fishing
BELIEVE IT OR NOT, I’m not much of a fisherman. This is in spite of growing up by the beach. The thing about fishing is that you can’t swim if people have hooks in the water, and I hate almost nothing...
View ArticleActual Slenderman Probably
Something weird happened to me on Saturday night and I've been wrestling with it and my feelings about what happened, so here's what happened.After a night of beers and a bonfire, at about 3 a.m. I...
View ArticleTime to Forget
For the last few years, once a year (or twice), I find myself surprised that, suddenly, it is my mother's birthday. Or that I've completely forgotten it and it's already passed. Or it's not her...
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I read Great Expectations in a British Lit survey 6 or 7 years ago. Everyone hated it. They all said they hated it in high school and that they hated it then in college, that Charles Dickens was...
View ArticleHEALTHY
I'm getting older and that's made me more committed to my health than in previous years when I consisted primarily on things like Bagels and Coffee and Cereal Bars and Domestic Lager. Now, I try to eat...
View ArticleArticle 1
Florida by Elizabeth BishopThe state with the prettiest name,the state that floats in brackish water,held together by mangrave rootsthat bear while living oysters in clusters, and when dead strew white...
View ArticleOn the Fallacy of Adulthood
When I was 19 I thought Jenny Lewis was writing pop songs about teenage love through the more refined lens of an adult who knew better. It was the frothing, consuming, carnal sort of love that...
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