For the last month all I've been listening to is One Direction and all-female or female-fronted rock bands. I've been feeling very 14 years old all summer and I just want to bop around and make out and ride bikes and wear tank tops all the time. Obviously, it started with The Donnas.
I was introduced to The Donnas my freshman year of high school. Someone could have made me a mix with them on it, but it's all the more likely that I first heard them in the Melissa Joan Hart classic Drive Me Crazy wherein the band has several cameos under the name of The Electrocutes. At prom they play a cover of REO Speedwagon's "Keep On Lovin' You" and I am further ruined for all future high school dances and romances.
I have no idea how I found Bleached but I've been obsessed. I can't find a download of their record so my fix is via streaming, making them a sort of musical ghost in my life right now. I can see them, I can hear them, I can follow them on Instagram, but I can't hold them. They're intangible. I swear I'm not high right now. Anyway, this is a great song, reminiscent of The Donnas and The Ramones and even 60's girl groups, but sort of dirty and with an arrest record. They have a lot of great songs and I hope they get super successful super soon.
I'm recently on Spotify and have been having a blast finding new songs and bands and listening to whatever I want on any kind of a whim. When I came to Neko Case's page on a country music whim I was shocked, SHOCKED, to find she had a song out that I'd yet to hear. Not only that but this track was done for The Hunger Games film, which, despite being a little disappointing in my opinion, is made all the more enchanting thanks to Neko. This song is gorgeous. We are lucky to have Neko Case, you guys.
Like most Mad Men fans I've found myself newly fascinated with all things 1960's. Fashion, film, television and of course music. I discovered The Like while trolling around YouTube. Some commenter was comparing Dum Dum Girls to The Like (which is ridiculous, obviously) and I thought, "I enjoy Dum Dum Girls, I will probably enjoy The Like." And I did, but for different reasons. Maybe the throwback band is stupid, because I definitely used to think it was stupid, but I am really feeling these girls. Blame it on Mad Men.
Those Dancing Days are another random find from YouTube or Spotify. A lot of their songs sort of fade into background noise for me and I know they're not going to make it into any kind of a lasting rotation, but I love this song for right now.
Since high school I've had a working list of my favorite love/sex scenes from film and television. Heading up the list lately is the unforgettable roller coaster scene from the Mark Wahlberg/Reese Witherspoon classic Fear. If you haven't seen it yet, you need to. It's an incredible work of cinema and your life will forever be changed. During the scene, The Sundays cover The Rolling Stones' "Wild Horses" and you are transported to a time in your life when a traveling carnival is a reasonable place to let a boy get to second base. I wanted that cover on a playlist for my husband and decided to give the band a more in depth listen; good thing I did. They're so 90's and British and dreamy. Perfect for the end of summer.
I was introduced to The Donnas my freshman year of high school. Someone could have made me a mix with them on it, but it's all the more likely that I first heard them in the Melissa Joan Hart classic Drive Me Crazy wherein the band has several cameos under the name of The Electrocutes. At prom they play a cover of REO Speedwagon's "Keep On Lovin' You" and I am further ruined for all future high school dances and romances.
I have no idea how I found Bleached but I've been obsessed. I can't find a download of their record so my fix is via streaming, making them a sort of musical ghost in my life right now. I can see them, I can hear them, I can follow them on Instagram, but I can't hold them. They're intangible. I swear I'm not high right now. Anyway, this is a great song, reminiscent of The Donnas and The Ramones and even 60's girl groups, but sort of dirty and with an arrest record. They have a lot of great songs and I hope they get super successful super soon.
I'm recently on Spotify and have been having a blast finding new songs and bands and listening to whatever I want on any kind of a whim. When I came to Neko Case's page on a country music whim I was shocked, SHOCKED, to find she had a song out that I'd yet to hear. Not only that but this track was done for The Hunger Games film, which, despite being a little disappointing in my opinion, is made all the more enchanting thanks to Neko. This song is gorgeous. We are lucky to have Neko Case, you guys.
Like most Mad Men fans I've found myself newly fascinated with all things 1960's. Fashion, film, television and of course music. I discovered The Like while trolling around YouTube. Some commenter was comparing Dum Dum Girls to The Like (which is ridiculous, obviously) and I thought, "I enjoy Dum Dum Girls, I will probably enjoy The Like." And I did, but for different reasons. Maybe the throwback band is stupid, because I definitely used to think it was stupid, but I am really feeling these girls. Blame it on Mad Men.
Those Dancing Days are another random find from YouTube or Spotify. A lot of their songs sort of fade into background noise for me and I know they're not going to make it into any kind of a lasting rotation, but I love this song for right now.
Since high school I've had a working list of my favorite love/sex scenes from film and television. Heading up the list lately is the unforgettable roller coaster scene from the Mark Wahlberg/Reese Witherspoon classic Fear. If you haven't seen it yet, you need to. It's an incredible work of cinema and your life will forever be changed. During the scene, The Sundays cover The Rolling Stones' "Wild Horses" and you are transported to a time in your life when a traveling carnival is a reasonable place to let a boy get to second base. I wanted that cover on a playlist for my husband and decided to give the band a more in depth listen; good thing I did. They're so 90's and British and dreamy. Perfect for the end of summer.